Bonfire of the
Tom Wolfe. Theme of the Justice System in big cities in America. Don’t do
what’s right; do what is going to make you look good in the media.
Ragtime. EL Doctorow. In this novel,
Doctorow presents an impression of the ragtime era, the period before WWI. These
were the “good old days.” With vivid prose and facts, Doctorow paints a picture
of a raw society divided into few very rich and many poor. It was the era of
immigrants, slavery in the coal mines, women without equal rights and child
labor. In this novel, you will gain a realistic view of just how “good” the
“old days” were.
End Zone. Don DeLillo.
Novel. End Zone is a fictionalized
view of a college football program: robots orchestrated by coaches to go
through the motions.
Don DeLillo. Novel. Another in the “Depressing
School of Literature.” And yet, it
affirms life. It defines the people in the “Underworld,” the bottom of the
social ladder, as depressed, helpless, hopeless and having no control of their
lives. In other words, it’s an attitude that puts people into the dregs of